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Pure Goat Milk soap – For dry and flaky skin


Quantity: 100 gms

Shine Herbs PURE GOAT MILK SOAP is one of the best soap for dry and dehydrated skin. It is one of the gentle body cleanser that cleanses skin without disturbing your body’s natural oils and prevents itchiness on skin

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Struggling with dry, itchy skin , bouts of eczema or psoriasis or just ultrasensitive skin?

Consider switching your soap to the one that is made with goat's milk.

  1. The pH of the goat milk is close to that of your skin, making it gentle enough for even the most delicate complexions
  2. Even more impressive is that the natural alpha hydroxy acids in the soap are perfect for sloughing away pore-clogging dry skin, and the fat content will keep your skin plump and moisturized

Inhale back life into your skin with this handmade natural cleanser that is mixed with a liberal measure of skin cherishing coconut oil


100gm, 80gm


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